P1765 Сигнал уменьшения крутящего момента — MAL

Описание ошибки P1765
The ECM communicates over the CAN with the EMS(Engine Management System), TCS(Traction Control System), TCM(Transmission Control Moudle). The TCM monitors various information such as vehicle speed, gear position and engine torque during upshift, it request the ECM to retard ignition timing to decrease torque. This produces small change in torque during upshift, hence smooth shift and increase in shift feeling.
In case of the TCM failure, the symptoms a corrupted torque reduction signal information, a shift shock, a increasing engine rpm abruptly will occur.
If the CAN communication generates threshold value, the ECM judges this as a fault and DTC is set.

Возможная причина ошибки P1765
Faulty TCM

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